One Postdoctoral Contract White Dwarf Variability 2024 (PS-2024-054)The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Chemical composition of ionized nebulae: the properties of young white dwarfs”.
The contract is funded by the project “Rewriting the textbooks on low-mass stellar evolution” (CNS2023-143910), led by Dr.
David Jones.
Tasks: The successful candidate will pursue research in the following fields: Spectroscopic analysis of PG1159 stars to further our understanding of the so-called Nitrogen dichotomy.
Pulsational analysis of pre-white-dwarfs.
Exploitation of the HST Treasury survey: A Treasury FUV Survey of the Hottest White Dwarfs.
Spectroscopic characterization of central stars of planetary nebulae.
Simultaneous light and radial velocity curve modelling of post-common-envelope binary central stars of planetary nebulae.
Particular attention will be given to applicants with experience in the field of pre-white-dwarf variability arising from pulsations and binarity.
Requirements: The candidates must have an excellent research record, commensurate with the duration of their research career.
They must be in possession of a Ph.
degree in Astrophysics or Physics by the application deadline.
Applications from candidates not in possession of a Ph D will be rejected without further consideration.
Candidates who prepared their thesis at the IAC have to present accreditations of complementary training at other research centers (this period should be either 1 continuous year or 18 accumulated months) by the application deadline.
Selection process: The selection process consists of two phases: merit assessment and interview.1.
First phase: merit assessment.
The Selection Panel will verify and rate the merits documented by the applicants.
The maximum score that can be awarded in this phase is 80 points, calculated as the sum of the scores obtained in each of the following two sections.a) CV (maximum score: 60 points).
Main criteria will be: Scientific and technical contributions to the field of research, especially those listed in the Science Citation Index, in relation to the duration of the candidate’s scientific career.
Of special importance are the first-authored papers by the candidate.
Appointments and stays (at the Ph D or postdoctoral level) in prestigious research institutions.
Conference contributions, especially those leading to publications.
Other indicators of research activity and motivation (like invitations to lectures, organization of meetings, and teaching at University level).
Any periods of inactivity for medical reasons, maternity/paternity leaves, elderly care, or due to training or professional experience in other fields will be taken into account.b) Adequacy to the objectives of the contract (maximum score 20 points)Adequacy of the candidate’s training and experience to this contract.
Observational and data reduction experience in the field of white dwarfs, pulsating stars or planetary nebulae.
Spectral analysis of hot and compact stars.
Pulsational analysis of pre-white-dwarfs.
Experience with the PHOEBE2 software package.2) Second phase: interview.
(maximum score 20 points)Candidates who have obtained at least 50 points in the first phase will be invited to an interview.
During the interview, the candidate will present, for a maximum of 10 minutes, his/her vision about the suitability of his/her professional profile to the position and the planned research activity if awarded the contract.
To pass the selective process, a minimum of 65 points must be reached.
Duration: The appointment will not be extended beyond June 30, 2026.
It is estimated that the date of commencement will be during the fourth quarter of 2024.
Remuneration: The gross annual salary will be 38.371 Euros, with deductions of up to 20% for income tax (IRPF) and social security (dependent on the candidate's personal situation).
Presentation of applications: Applications must be sent electronically via the web-based application system here before the deadline set out in this advertisement.
The following documentation must be sent: Online application including the name and position code (PS-2024-054)Copy of a valid passport or national identity card CV, containing a list of publications (NO amendment allowed)Report on research activity and justification of suitability for the job -not exceeding 2 pages- (NO amendment allowed).
Copy of your degree or corresponding stamped certificate, issued on behalf of the University where you have obtained the degree (in Spanish or English) (NO amendment allowed)Certificate of training in other centers (only for applicants that have completed their doctorate at the IAC).
Applications submitted after the deadline will be automatically rejected.
Anuncio publicitario
One Postdoctoral Contract White Dwarf Variability 2024 (ps-2024-054), Spain
One Postdoctoral Contract White Dwarf Variability 2024 (ps-2024-054), Spain
Spain, Spain, Spain,
Modificado December 24, 2024
Detalles del trabajo
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